
see also Worker Actions Road to (Ctrl-R) Builds a road to a particular destination. Rail to (Ctrl-Shift-R) Builds a railroad to a particular destination. Build Road Then Colony (Ctrl-B) The worker builds a road/railroad to a particular destination and then builds a colony at the destination. Automate (A) Causes control of the worker to be relinquished while it performs automated tasks. Automate: Build Trade Network (Ctrl-N) Automates the worker, giving it the task of linking all cities to your capital city. Automate: Irrigate to Nearest City (Ctrl-I) Automates the worker, giving it the task of irrigating the nearest city. Automate: Clear Forest (Shift-F) Automates the worker, giving it the task of clearing all nearby forests. Automate: Clear Wetlands (Shift-W) Automates the worker, giving it the task of clearing all nearby jungle and/or marsh. Automate: Clear Damage (Shift-D) Automates the worker, giving it the task of clearing all nearby pollution, including craters and fallout from a volcanic eruption. Automate: This City Only (Shift-I) Automates the worker, allowing it to perform automated tasks to improve the nearest city.