City improvements, wonders, entertainers, and luxuries produce either content or happy faces in the city where they exist. These Produce this * City improvements content faces * Wonders content faces * Military police content faces * Luxuries happy faces * Entertainers happy faces * Entertainment happy faces Each happy face affects the mood of one citizen. * Each content face makes one unhappy citizen content. * Each happy face makes one content citizen happy. If there aren't enough faces of the appropriate sort in a city, extra faces will have a limited "carry over" effect. For example, if a city has the capability to generate 5 happy faces, yet there are only 2 content faces in the city, then those 2 content faces will become happy and the remaining 3 happy faces will carry over to unhappy citizens at reduced efficiency. Certain political events, such as winning or losing battles and wars, can also influence the overall happiness in your civilization's cities.