Corruption is income lost to theft, embezzlement, and other illegal practices. Waste is shield production lost to inefficiency. If left unchecked, corruption and waste will significantly slow the development of your civilization. You can track the status of corruption and waste in your empire on the City Display and Domestic Advisor. Causes In general, the farther a city is from its capital city, the more corruption and waste it experiences. Also the more cities in your empire, the higher rates of both, overall. Finally, the extent of corruption and waste is also affected by the system of government you are currently using. Solutions A courthouse, police station, using Police Officers, or a nearby Forbidden Palace and Secret Police HQ reduces corruption. Another solution, is to change your system of government. The more liberal the government, the less corruption and waste you experience. Being attached to your capital via road, harbor, or airport also reduces corruption and waste. We Love The ____ Day also reduces waste.