To check your current level of victory at any time during play, press the F8 key to open the Victory Status Screen, or press the V button located in the lower right corner of the screen. There are six basic ways to win: Space Race One of the peaceful methods of victory in Civilization III is to be the first to colonize Alpha Centauri, the nearest star system. In order to achieve this victory, the player must be the first to launch a completed spaceship to Alpha Centauri. Building the Ship Each civilization can build an "Alpha Centauri-worthy" spacecraft, and construction can begin when the civilization completes the Apollo Program (Small Wonder). The ship is comprised of ten components, which must be built prior to launch. Domination Have 70% of the world's land surface within your borders as well as 70% of the world's population within your cities. This can be accomplished either by military measures or by cultural development (or, more likely, a combination of the two). Conquest A purely military solution: conquer the world, civilization by civilization. If you eliminate all civilizations from the game, you win. Cultural Victory Make one of your cities or your whole civilization the envy of the world. A single city with 20,000 culture points will satisfy this victory condition. For your overall culture to do so, a variable number of