A pre-designed scenario (only) might begin with some (or all) civilizations grouped into several "Locked Alliances". Members of a Locked Alliance have a permanent Mutual Protection Pact with each other. Therefore, a civilization that is part of a Locked Alliance is not allowed to conduct any type of attack against another member of its alliance. Furthermore, if any civilization attacks another nation that is part of a Locked Alliance, the attacker will find itself at war with all nations member to that Locked Alliance. Permanent War A Locked Alliance (and all of its member civilizations) might also find itself permanently at war -- right from the start of the scenario -- with another Locked Alliance if so dictated by the scenario. Such a war is permanent, and only ends when all members of one of the warring alliances have been eliminated (or the scenario's time limit is reached). Coalition Victory A scenario featuring one or more Locked Alliances might specify that "Coalition Victory Conditions" are in effect. In this case, victory criteria (score, victory points, cultural value, etc.) are summed for all allied players in each Locked Alliance. As soon as any coalition has fulfilled the scenario's victory conditions the scenario ends and all civilizations member to the winning coalition are awarded victory.