The Vikings are militaristic and seafaring. They start the game with Alphabet and Warrior Code and build Berserks instead of Longbowmen. The suggested reasons for the appearance of the Vikings at the end of the 8th century in Scandinavia are varied. The most logical explanation to date is the possible overpopulation of the region. An explosion in Nordic population throughout Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Denmark during the 7th and 8th centuries may have forced the indigenous people to explore and settle in more favorable territories. In addition, the gradual establishment of government throughout most of Western Europe augmented mercantile trade greatly as well as the opportunities for piracy. At home, these Scandinavians were independent farmers, but at sea or on the fields of war they were some of the fiercest warriors in the world. The Scandinavian art of shipbuilding evolved during the course of the 8th century and greatly facilitated these early Viking expeditions and raids. The most distinct differences between the Viking ships and their merchant vessel victims, was that the merchant ships were short, broad and relied on sail power, while Viking warships were longer, thinner and had a far greater number of oars and men. This made the Viking ships notably faster, and was instrumental in allowing the Vikings to penetrate long distances up rivers. Small armies of Viking longships negotiated the seas, utilizing hit-and-run tactics on the cities, towns, and villages that dotted the coasts of Europe. These longships were the very tools of Viking expansion. The Vikings were able to raid far afield and subsequently colonize the lands that they plundered. Viking hordes attacked England at the end of the 8th century, after which followed a period of relative calm that was shattered years later when attacks began anew. At first, the Vikings led nothing more than predatory raids in the summer months in search of booty and slaves, with no attempts at permanent settlement. Beginning in 850 however, there appeared to be changes in Viking strategy, for the first time, Vikings occupied entire villages and regions in the winters following their raids... they had come to stay.